Category: Photography

Cerebrus Digital photography featured in Forbes Magazine

Dr. Sophie Miquel is a senior principal scientist and cognitive neuroscientist at Mars Wrigley. Her work in the field of neuroscience was recently showcased in ForbesWomen. The Cerebrus businesses have collaborated with Dr. Sophie Miquel for almost 10 years. During this time Cerebrus Digital has generated some striking images of her at work. We were…
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February 12, 2020 0

Cerebrus Digital photography featured in ITV News

In 2017, Cererbus Digital was the media partner for the International Biology Olympiad. The event, held at Warwick University, saw more than 250 children from 67 countries compete in the world’s largest biology competition. Cererbus Digital livestreamed the opening ceremony, created a video diary for each day of the competition, and a summary video after…
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August 1, 2017 0