Live-streaming 2019 Biology Week debate

Live-streaming 2019 Biology Week debate

February 12, 2020 Live-streaming RSB Science communication 0

Marine plastics: is it too late to save our oceans?

This year we asked the question: is it too late to save our oceans?

Plastic, heralded by many as a miracle material, is now choking fish, accumulating in their tissues, and slowly seeping down food chains. Every minute, the equivalent of a truck load of plastic is dumped into our ocean.

Can we reverse the damage already done by dumping plastics? Are we able to alter our plastic consumption enough to preserve biodiversity? Or is it too late to save our seas? Join a panel of experts for this talk as they explore if it really is too late to save our oceans.


  • Professor Ted Henry – Professor of Environmental Toxicology at Heriot Watt University
  • Professor Pennie Lindeque – Molecular ecologist and Head of Microplastic Research Team at Plymouth Marine Laboratory
  • David Jones – Founder and CEO of Just One Ocean
  • Dr Anna Ploszajski – Materials scientist and Research Fellow, Institute of Making, UCL
  • Chair – Gaia Vince – Broadcaster and environmental journalist