BSGM Annual Conference 2024, Royal College of Physicians

Cerebrus Digital as delighted to once again work with the British Society of Genetic Medicine at their Annual Conference in London. The 2024 conference saw delegates from across the UK and Europe discuss the latest developments in Big Data and AI, gene therapies, the genetic spectrum of rare diseases, cancer and new technologies. The BSGM…
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November 27, 2024 0

Helping learned societies better meet the needs of their members

A learned society is an organization that brings together academics and researchers in a particular field of study. Effective communication is essential to meet the needs of their members. Working with Cerebrus Digital, learned societies can access sector know-how to improve levels of member satisfaction and engagement. Expertise in the field: A learned society may…
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February 21, 2023 0

Cerebrus Digital photography featured in Forbes Magazine

Dr. Sophie Miquel is a senior principal scientist and cognitive neuroscientist at Mars Wrigley. Her work in the field of neuroscience was recently showcased in ForbesWomen. The Cerebrus businesses have collaborated with Dr. Sophie Miquel for almost 10 years. During this time Cerebrus Digital has generated some striking images of her at work. We were…
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February 12, 2020 0

Supporting climate mitigation & adaption

This workshop brought together animal scientists with livestock professionals and advisors, as well as researchers, non-profit & societal organisations and industry representatives to discuss sustainable use of resources, preservation of biodiversity, livestock gene bank collections and improvement of soil quality in the livestock sector. The Fitter Livestock Farming Project Group (PG) is a cluster of…
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February 12, 2020 0

Interviews at the 9th ATF seminar

The ATF seminar encouraged discussion with farmers, industries, scientists, policy makers and with society. It was a follow-up of the EAAP & ATF Special Session held during the EAAP Annual Meeting. Engage a dialogue with various stakeholders; Address how research and innovation can support the livestock sector; Provide input to European research and innovation agendas…
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February 12, 2020 0

Live-streaming 2019 Biology Week debate

Marine plastics: is it too late to save our oceans? This year we asked the question: is it too late to save our oceans? Plastic, heralded by many as a miracle material, is now choking fish, accumulating in their tissues, and slowly seeping down food chains. Every minute, the equivalent of a truck load of…
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February 12, 2020 0

Live-streaming 2018 Biology Week debate

This week, Cerebrus Digital was honoured to live-stream the 2018 Biology Week debate from the Royal Institution. The event was organised by the Royal Society of Biology in partnership with the Biochemical Society, the British Pharmacological Society and the Royal Institution. The multi-camera production was vision-mixed at the event and live-streamed to the online community.…
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October 10, 2018 0

The International Bull Fertility Conference

Cerebrus Digital has once again demonstrated the power of video to engage the global community of animal scientists.Working as a joint-venture with the British Society of Animal Science (BSAS), Jon Day and his team captured video of each presentation and edited these to produce an impactful record of the meeting. “Video is a powerful format…
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June 1, 2018 0

Capturing the 2018 BSAS Annual Meeting

Cerebrus Digital and the British Society of Animal Science have opened the 2018 Annual Meeting to a global audience. Working together at Croke Park in Dublin, the two organisations captured 236 presentations in 37 scientific sessions. The video content has been added to the BSAS On-demand library which offers a valuable resource for Society members.…
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April 12, 2018 0

Cerebrus Digital photography featured in ITV News

In 2017, Cererbus Digital was the media partner for the International Biology Olympiad. The event, held at Warwick University, saw more than 250 children from 67 countries compete in the world’s largest biology competition. Cererbus Digital livestreamed the opening ceremony, created a video diary for each day of the competition, and a summary video after…
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August 1, 2017 0